
Regular trackside TSMEE meetings are held Wednesdays and Sundays throughout the year [access through park permitting]

In the main, various projects including track improvements and site maintenance works are carried out by club members on Wednesdays.

Sundays tend to see more track activities whilst the First Sunday in the month is given over to a Public Open Day.

In recent years a Junior Members section has been steadily growing and new members are actively encouraged.

An extensive library is available to all TSMEE members and members can borrow publications on free loan. Contact Stuart ….

A TSMEE journal and newsletter is regularly published on this website. This publication is an important means of keeping membership informed and to help them feel part of the society. For those without access to the WWW paper copies are available. New content is always welcome. Contact Mike Maguire –

It has always been the intention that the Workshop be available for members to use the machines in pursuit of their projects. To this end, Steve Lowe, Workshop Manager, conducts some basic instruction in Workshop Safety and Procedures. Potential users are encouraged to record any previous experience as a basis for further one-to-one instruction as and when appropriate.

TSMEE is organised and managed by a General Committee comprising Directors/Trustees and other Officers who are elected annually by the members at the Annual General Meeting.

At the conclusion of the 2019 AGM, the Committee is composed thus …

  • Chairman – Jim Stephenson,
  • Secretary – Linda Nicholls,
  • Treasurer – Ian Spencer,
  • Site Manager – Peter Newby,
  • Workshop Manager – Steve Lowe,
  • Programme Manager – Malcolm Phillips,
  • Lay Members – Brian Nicholls,
    • Stuart Davidson,
    • Robin Evans,
    • Brian Benton,
    • John Lazzari and
    • Norman Blacklock.

New members and visitors are always welcome. No particular skill are necessary and be assurred you will receive a warm Tyneside welcome!.

Membership is open to individuals £35 or family groups £45 . Contact Linda ….