TSMEE has it’s origins going back to the days when Tyneside was prominent in technical inovation and steeped in traditional heavy engineering. Over the years much of that heavy work has become more of a distant memory but our thriving club membership give tesimony that creative engineering [be it on a much smaller scale] continues to inspire and live on!

Our membership are of all ages and backgrounds and their interests and engineering experiences are equally diverse. Among us there are those who are seriously committed to building and running a whole range of locomotives and enjoy endless hours of coaxing their creations around the track.
Others are involved in marine engineering and boat building and are drawn to making a splash in the lake which is right on our doorstep.
But that’s not all – because road going traction engines – stationary engines and tool making all have their dedicated groups of followers .
It is to know that many of our members are without formal technical training but will always find encouragement – help and direction from those who have been there before or have a lifetimes experience in engineering.
Finally we recognise that “model engineering means – all things to all people” and the option to build – tinker – steam – sail – or simply to watch the goings on and share the experience are all part of the “TSMEE experience.”
New members are always welcome and no particular skill is necessary.
Membership is open to individuals £35 or family groups £45 and be assured you will receive a warm Tyneside welcome!
When we meet ….
Regular trackside TSMEE meetings are held Wednesdays and Sundays throughout the year [access through park permitting]
In the main, various projects including track improvements and site maintenance works are carried out by club members on Wednesdays.
Sundays tend to see more track activities whilst the First Sunday in the month is given over to a Public Open/Running Day.
In recent years a Junior Members section has been steadily growing and new members are actively encouraged.
An extensive library is available to all TSMEE members and members can borrow publications on free loan. Contact Stuart ….
News update
Looking for a TSMEE news update? Then check out our RECENT POSTS section. These posts are an important means of keeping membership informed and help them feel part of the society. For those without access to the internet, paper copies are available. New content is always welcome. Contact Mike Maguire – mike.maguire@btinternet.com