7 1/4-inch gauge BRIDGET

This was Ken’s first design, built from 1959-61. He particularly wanted a loco which could be built on a Myford or similar lathe, hence the small wheels. Whilst it is a freelance 0-4-2 tank, it incorporates much of the detail to be found on the 0-6-0 tanks which were in widespread industrial use at the time. The drawings have been available for many years and a large number are known to exist.

Early days of portable track Ken with Bridget and rocket 1961.jpg
Ken driving Bridget about 1960 Grangetown.jpg
Six wheel Bridget Adrian morley 2009.jpg
Visiting Bridget dvr 74.jpg
Another Sucsesfull Bridget build 77.jpg
Bridget 1960 first steam up ex works colour.jpg
Bridget 1961 ex works colour.jpg
Bridget after 15 yrs hard use 77.jpg
Bridget and Rocket local traction engine rally Chester.jpg
Bridget as new 1959.jpg
Bridget backhead new 1958.jpg
Bridget Boiler Smoke box front 1959.jpg
Bridget Cab Detail 1960.jpg
Bridget cab view ex works 1960.jpg
Bridget CHASIS 1958 ex works colour.jpg
Bridget hauling a train at dvr 1962.jpg
Bridget motion ex works 1959.jpg
Bridget on DVR bridge1970.jpg
Bridget Underside chasis 1959.jpg
BRIDGETat dvr 1968....jpg
Briget first steam 1959.jpg
Early days of portable track Ken with Bridget and rocket 1961.jpg
Ken driving Bridget about 1960 Grangetown.jpg
Six wheel Bridget Adrian morley 2009.jpg
Visiting Bridget dvr 74.jpg
Another Sucsesfull Bridget build 77.jpg
Bridget 1960 first steam up ex works colour.jpg
Bridget 1961 ex works colour.jpg
Bridget after 15 yrs hard use 77.jpg
Bridget and Rocket local traction engine rally Chester.jpg
Bridget as new 1959.jpg

Slide show photo’s by kind permission of Jim Mountjoy

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