Model boats are not permitted into the wildlife area beyond the red line marked on the map below.

In the area where models are allowed the wildlife still has precedence. Anyone disregarding this or causing the wildlife to be distressed will be asked to remove their boat from the lake and may be reported to the TSMEE committee for possible sanctions.
Respect the parks wildlife, please take extra care in the summer months when there are many young birds on the lake, all that’s needed is common sense.
Members use the pond at their own risk with regard to the cleanliness and hygiene of water. No litter shall be left on site which must be kept tidy at all times.
No cars to be parked around lakeside, parking only behind the Brewery in the designated area. No alcohol to be consumed around the lakeside.
RC Frequencies – There are only four bands available for model boat use:- 27 Mhz; 40 Mhz; UHF band (459 Mhz) and 2.4 GHz, no other frequencies will be allowed. On no account may 35 Mhz be used.
All Members are asked to check that they are not operating on the same frequency as other Members already sailing
Aerial protectors must be fitted to all extendable aerials to prevent eye injuries
All Steam powered model boats must comply with Southern Federation boiler certification rules.
To conform with Insurance requirements, all new boilers should undergo an initial shell test at twice working pressure, (the initial shell test certificate of a commercially produced boiler is acceptable) and then undergo a hydraulic test every 4 years (one & a half times working pressure).
All boilers will undergo an annual steam accumulation test.
Gas tanks built by the owner will require a hydraulic test repeated every 4 years. Commercially built tanks are supplied with a certificate that satisfies this test for the first four years. In addition, gas tanks will need to undergo a gas test on an annual basis.
Refer also to the “Model Boat Boiler Testing” section below.