1 – The Committee shall comprise of a minimum of six full members and will be the three Executive Officers together with the Programme Manager, Site Manager & up to 7 members.
2 – All cheques shall be signed by the Treasurer & either the Secretary or Chairman
3 – Classes of membership shall be: Life, Honorary, Full (over eighteen) and Family. A Junior Associate (age 14-18) is not a share holder of the company and has no voting rights.
4 – All applications for membership shall be made on the appropriate form, which shall be signed by two members as proposer & seconder both of whom shall have been members for at least six months.
5- Applications for membership will only be considered if the applicant can demonstrate a practical interest in model engineering
6 – All applications will be reviewed after a 6 month probation period, when the committee can terminate membership if the applicant is thought not to be an asset to the club and its aims
7 – The annual subscription shall be payable on the first day of January and if it is not paid by 1st March the member will be deemed to have resigned. The committee may extend this time limit in extenuating circumstances.
8 – Members joining after 30th June & before 1st October shall pay a half annual subscription for that year. Members joining after 30th September shall pay a full annual subscription, which shall cover the remaining period of that year & the whole of the following year.
9 – Members shall notify the Secretary of any change of address or contact details immediately it occurs.
10 – For safety reasons, no children will be allowed in the steaming bay area unless under instruction with one to one supervision.
11 – Members must observe the 10mph speed limit when driving through the park.
12 – Smoking is not permitted in any TSMEE building including temporary structures.
13 – No locomotive or traction engine etc. may be operated unless two adults are present.
14 – On arrival all members, member’s guests & visiting members of other societies must sign the attendance register in the clubhouse. Details of all visiting locomotives to be run must also be entered in the register.
15 – When the railway is in operation, the Responsible Officer will oversee all railway operations including vehicle access to and from the site.