Garden Railway

1 – Prior to running both members and visitors must ensure their boilers and gas tanks comply with current Southern Federation regulations.

2 -Runners should familiarise themselves with the location of the provided fire blanket in case of emergency.

3 – Initial preparation and any servicing such as topping up with water must take place in the sidings and NOT on the running line. To avoid risk of fire, it is advisable that you DO NOT top up with gas while another loco is passing.

4 – When the locomotive has been set up, carrying boxes and other equipment should be stored below the track or other safe place so that they do not cause a hazard to others.

5- A maximum of 2 locomotives should be on the track at any time.

6 – Runners using any RC equipment other than 2.4 GHz will need to check that no other runner is using the same frequency.

7 -Whether running RC or manual, please make sure that you can see and are in control of your loco AT ALL TIMES.

8 – Runners using coal fired locomotives should place a metal plate under the grate when dropping the fire.

9 – At the end of the run, remove locos and rolling stock from the running line to the storage sidings as soon as possible.