In the event of an accident of any description occurring to any society member, visitor or member of the public, the Accident Book must be filled in immediately and the Secretary informed as soon as possible. There must be no admission of liability under any circumstance.
FAQ Group: Track
Signalling on the Ground Level Track
❖ Red – Stop
❖ Green – Proceed
❖ Orange – Proceed with caution – possible obstruction ahead
1 – When any passenger trains are running the signalling system should be in operation
2 – The signal operator will be responsible for the operation of the signals and points.
3 – Under normal operating, while a train is in the station, a train on the main line will be given priority at the points past the station loop.
4 – When the train on the main line has passed the points, the station starting signal can be set to green. If the passengers are safely boarded the guard will then tell the driver it is safe to proceed.
5 – For safety reasons during public running, if a signal is ignored the driver will receive a warning, if a signal is ignored a second time the driver will be asked to leave the ground level track.
Guards on trains
1 – On trains with two or more passenger-carrying trucks there must be a Guard, passed as competent by two Directors of the Society, equipped with a whistle and a 2-way radio
2 – The duties of Guards are to observe the behaviour of passengers and warn the Driver, via the 2-way radio, of any likelihood of danger imminent from whatever cause.
3 – Repeated short blasts on the whistle mean that the train should stop as quickly as possible, if the radio fails. Drivers must obey these signals unless they feel it would cause added danger to that already present.
4 – Should a train fail at any point around either track, the first responsibility of the Guard is to warn any following trains of the obstruction. If no Guard is on the train then this becomes the Driver’s first responsibility. Consideration must be given as to whether removing passengers would increase the risk.
5 – The Guard must ensure that all passengers are seated safely and only then signal the driver that it is safe to depart.
6 – Warnings to passengers before setting off should include: no leaning out; remain seated with arms & legs inside the carriage or on footboards as appropriate; remain on the train until asked to disembark
Public Running
1 – Before any admission of the public to the site, or public passenger hauling takes place, a Responsible Officer shall be appointed to supervise the running session. The Responsible Officer shall be a Committee Member conversant with this Code of Practice and be passed as competent by two Directors of the Society.
2 – Before passenger hauling can commence, the signal operator must be in the signal box with a 2-way radio and have the agreement of the Responsible Officer that all other personnel are in place.
3 – Unless under training, there will only be one signal operator in the signal box.
4 – Only two trains will run on the ground level track during public running
5- When a locomotive is joining or leaving the ground level track from the steaming bays, all other trains will be stationary before the manoeuvre commences.
6 – The Responsible Officer, Signal Operator, Drivers and Guards will all be issued with a 2-way radio before commencing public running. All communication will be via the 2-
way radio system. Radios are to be used for essential communications only, not general talk.
7 – The Responsible Officer, Signal Operator, Drivers and Guards will all have received appropriate training and be passed as competent by two Directors of the Society
8 – Duties of the Responsible Officer are to ensure adherence with this Code of Practice.
9 – Decisions of the Responsible Officer are final, and must be obeyed.
10 – Members of the public must be supervised at all times whilst on the site.
11 – Members of the public must have permission from the Responsible Officer and be accompanied by a member to visit the steaming bays.
12 – Before being allowed to haul passengers, drivers should be passed as competent by two Directors of the Society. They should be adequately supervised until they are considered safe to drive on their own. No driver under 18 years of age is allowed under the Club Rules to carry members of the Public. Any driver of any age, may be asked to cease driving at any time should their presence, behaviour or demeanour cause risk or annoyance to others.
13 – No inexperienced driver, or those under 18, may drive on the same track whilst the track is in use for public passenger carrying.
14 – No driver shall drive on the track if their ability is impaired through fatigue, drink or drugs (medicinal or others). The Responsible Officer shall require any person suspected of being so impaired, to refrain from any duties immediately. Staff assisting with operations should also ensure that their ability and judgement is not impaired by fatigue, drink or drugs.
15 – When providing rides for the public the station shall be supervised by a Steward who is responsible for the safe loading & unloading of trains.
16 – When trains are operating on the ground level track, no vehicle may enter the traverser area without prior permission of the Signal Operator and all trains have been stopped.
17 – Trains which have begun their circuits of the main track should not be stopped on the main track except in emergency
Club Electric Locomotive
1 – Members can only drive the electric locomotive with the permission of one of the three Directors of the Society.
2 – Members must receive training from the Training Officer before driving the club locomotive.
3 – Levels of training will include driving the engine with no passenger carriages & no one else on the track; driving with passenger carriages; driving with other locomotives on the track; driving using the point & signal systems; driving with loaded passenger carriages & showing ability to drive & stop safely.
4 – The schedule of maintenance for the locomotive will be strictly adhered to and will be the responsibility of a named person designated by the committee.
5 – To ensure the correct procedures are followed only one of the bunker key holders should move the locomotive out & back into the bunker.
Duties of Drivers
1 – Before taking to the track drivers must check the inspection log to ensure that the track has been passed as safe for running. As a driver it is your responsibility, do not assume someone else has done it.
2 – Drivers are responsible for the safety of their train. No driver shall drive on the track if their ability is impaired through fatigue, drink or drugs (medicinal or others).
3 – Drivers should not stop anywhere on the track except in the station unless an emergency occurs
4 – The driver must check the security of couplings and the operation of the brakes.
5 – Drivers must keep a good lookout, and keep speeds within safe limits.
6 – Drivers must not join or leave either track without first advising other drivers already on the track. If passenger hauling is in operation on the ground level track, the signal operator will control the timing of the joining/leaving.
7 – After joining or leaving the raised track drivers must ensure that the turntable is secured before running continues.
Operation of Locomotives
1 – Raising of steam and dropping of fires must only be carried out in the steaming bay area. In an emergency, the fire may be dropped on the main track provided the locomotive has been moved well clear of any passengers.
2 – Refuelling of internal combustion engines should take place away from sources of ignition and any passengers. Changing of batteries on electric locomotives must be carried out well clear of any passengers.
3 -All locomotives left unattended for even a short time should be in a safe condition
Inspection Prior to Running
1 – Before any running commences, the track must be inspected for obstructions or obvious defects, and an entry made in the log book and if necessary remedial action taken.
2 – All driving or passenger cars, regardless of ownership, must be given a thorough visual check before each occasion of use, and an entry made in the log book, if considered unsafe they must not be used until remedial action is taken.
3 – The compressor must be switched on if the ground level track is to be used.
4 – The points and signals must be tested prior to use.